Earth, Life & Space Seminar Series (ELASSS)
We run a monthly seminar series that covers many aspects of astrobiology, with speakers from around the world.

Interested in Astrobiology?
Interested in the conditions for the emergence and evolution of life?
Interested in the search for life beyond Earth?
Interested in space exploration?
The Earth, Life & Space Seminar Series (ELASSS) covers all of this. The UK Centre for Astrobiology is glad to announce the return of ELASSS for 2022/2023.
Astrobiology is a multidisciplinary field of science. Our own research group is composed of planetary scientists, geologists, biologists, microbiologists, geochemists, physicists, astronomers, environmental scientists and engineers. We have created ELASSS to improve and create new collaboration with international experts, and to encourage more people to get involved in the fascinating field of Astrobiology.
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